Éric Jacquet
Éric Jacquet, 65, French, has been Chairman and CEO since 1994.
Éric Jacquet spent his entire career at the JACQUET METALS Group, where he was Sales Manager (1980-1985) then Marketing and Export Development Manager (1986-1993).
Éric Jacquet is also a member of the Lyon (France) Commercial Court Association of Judges and Former Judges.

Philippe Goczol
Managing Director
Philippe Goczol, 58, Belgian, began his career in 1988 at steel manufacturer INDUSTEEL (ARCELOR group), where he held positions as Commercial Engineer (1988-1992), Manager (1992-2000) and Sales Director (1999-2000).
In 2001, he joined JACQUET METALS as Chief Development Officer before being appointed Group Managing Director in 2004.
Philippe Goczol holds a Master of Business Engineering from Mons University (Belgium).

Thierry Philippe
Chief Financial Officer
Thierry Philippe, 48, French, began his career as a financial auditor in 1998.
In 2000, he joined MARTEK POWER France as Controller. In 2005, he joined the JACQUET METALS finance department, becoming Group CFO in 2006. In 2010, he is also appointed Managing Director.
Thierry Philippe holds management and finance degrees (IUT GEA, DECF, DESCF) from the University of Lyon (France).

Hans-Josef Hoss
IMS group Chief Operating Officer
Hans-Josef Hoss, 59, German, joined JACQUET METALS in 2020 as Chief Operating Officer of the IMS group division.
Previously, he worked 17 years for thyssenkrupp Materials where he was in particular CEO of the North-American branch (from 2011 to 2014) and member of the Executive Board (from 2014 to 2018).
Hans-Josef Hoss holds management degrees from the University of Kent (UK) and from the University of Saarlandes (Germany).

Alexandre Iacovella
Chief Operating Officer
Alexandre Iacovella, 46, French, started his career in 2000 at group SNECMA.
In 2005, he joined BILFINGER France (ex-LTM industrie) as Operating Director before becoming CEO in 2010.
In 2020, he joined JACQUET METALS as Group Chief Operating Officer, in charge of supervising the divisions STAPPERT and JACQUET in Europe.
Alexandre Iacovella holds an engineer degree (ECAM) and an Executive MBA (EM Lyon, France).